Dr. James MacDonald 332 Mimring Columbus, Ohio 43202 Phone/Fax 614 447-0768 macdonaldj86@gmail.com

Communicating Partners

Dr. James D. MacDonald's Website

Helping Parents Help Children. Programs for Parents, Therapists & Educators

Community Education

A major mission of the Communicating Partners Center is to disseminate the programs into a national network of parents and professionals. To do this, we have developed and tested a series of training sessions directed to the following topics:


The purpose of our training workshops is to help you establish and continue relationship based communication programs. Consequently, we prefer to include the following in each workshop of two or more days:


Beyond the workshop model, we have developed three course curricula for extensive training and for continuing education credits. Each course runs from 16-30 contact hours, and is designed to satisfy continuing education needs of teachers, therapists, daycare providers and others responsible for children learning to communicate.

  1. Communication development for preverbal children.
  2. Social and conversational development for early verbal children.
  3. Parent Child communication with language learning children.


Another particular interest of ours is to assist parents in establishing parent-to-parent training and support groups. We believe that parents have much to offer each other in their task of helping children communicate. We have available a series of video training tapes and practical manuals that parents can use together to build relationships with their children. An added benefit has been to create a community of friends for children who are often more isolated than they need to be.

Upon request, we will provide you references of parents who have managed such groups.


We also encourage you to take part in our On-Line discussion group on the internet. Using your email program you will receive and can respond to messages from other parents and from Dr. MacDonald. Its free and its easy to sign up.


Given the traditionally academic orientation of many education programs, we have developed programs for schools to adopt the Communicating Partners social and communicative curriculum as a necessary supplement to cognitive and academic programs. The CP curriculum has the following purposes:

For more information about training in your location or training sessions in Columbus, Ohio, please contact Dr. MacDonald